Sunday, July 8, 2012

It's a bird! No, it's not.

Location: In the crazy world of cyberspace. Save me.
Music: Like a Song

Dumdudeedum! So in the midst of watching an old man seizing (and I mean grand mal seizures here), I thought of something. No, not the ridiculous old man twitching in the ground who may or may not need help. This THOUGHT was something bigger. Why don't turtledoves look like turtles? Don't they owe it to the world to actually look like the animal they were partially named after? I don't care if their wings look like turtle shells! I can only imagine those little kids who really, really wanted a cool pet for Christmas (I want a turtle, daddy. And a birdie too!) who never get what they wish for because some scientists from ye olden days decide to be irresponsible and name something that will lead to much too much confusion.
So in the midst of this little rant, I have decided to make actual turtledoves. How hard could it be? Take the genes of a dove and inject it to a turtle embryo-thing and voila! Amazingness! They will look like this. It's going to be amazing and every mortal will bow down to my awesomeness.
Oh, and the old man didn't really go into arrest. There wasn't even an old man. Or was there? You'll never know unless you're stalking me, which you can't. My super ninja senses will detect you and you'll be dead by the morrow!!!! Or something like that.
And the song does not fit the mood. At all.

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